We enable our non-UK based customers to access the best quality products from the UK at the best possible prices. Irrespective of your location worldwide, cargoplus will help you purchase the best quality UK goods and ship them for you to Uganda.

The goods can range from personal/domestic goods (cars, household etc) to commercial/industrial goods (business stock, office equipment, plant & machinery, commercial vehicles etc), and we ship them to you either by air or sea.

With very experienced personnel and the right equipment as well as relevant UK regulatory and compliance requirements to handle all categories of cargo, we are well placed to deal serve varying customer needs.

How does it work?

  • visually inspect goods on your behalf to ensure they are as described (quantity and quality)
  • pay suppliers on your behalf if required; ensuing your money is safe
  • ensure goods are properly and securely packaged for air and sea shipping
  • pick up goods from your supplier, anywhere in the UK to our shipping base in London
  • timely ship your goods, clear customs duties (if pre-agreed) and deliver goods to you in Uganda